How to order?

To order an item, first, you have to view the item and select the quantity.

Payment method?

When you intend to buy a product, the price of that product can be paid by card.

Delivery time?

Home delivery can be delivered within 10 to 20 minutes (depend of your location) from when you intend to purchase a product.

Delivery Charges?

The delivery charges will be decided by the Restaurant. Most of the time it's free.

Delivery area?

The delivery area will be decided by the Restaurant.

Product Damaged or expired?

If there is any damage or expiration on the delivery product, it will be photographed with email at and you will be able to check the expiry date and damage of the product at the time of delivery.

What if I can't find the restaurant?

If you're having issues locating the restaurant you ordered from, reach out to the restaurant directly for further assistance.

What is a delivery order?

A delivery order is when you place an order through the xeat and you go to the restaurant to collect it or the delivery team will deliver the product. You'll be able to see the different order stages and know exactly when the order is ready for you to collect.

Do you have customer service?

Of course! Our friendly and knowledgeable customer services reps are available to answer your questions 24/7/365.